Thoughts around variables that affect and / or govern user behavior

dyson dsouza
2 min readMay 21, 2021


User Sentiments affecting experience.

  1. His/ Her Use Case , need , desire, wants which are clear /articulate and also the preferred state which is not articulated or not obvious.

Unseen/ What they Feel : impediments , ease, happiness , joy , preferred state

2. Design in a way where we Don’t make the user think !! eg: Function Overloading in java. , exception handling. Easy to use with implicit bias to user over decisions that user might not pay attention to. Choosing consent as no by default rather than yes where user has to pay a price/ fee.

3. Accessible design : Assumption that the user can see , feel , speak , listen to or understand ideally is inadequate. Looking at non ideal users and the reasons for their difference in opinion can be feedback or new idea.

4. User Sentiments : name clearly , use associative names , use fair representation , do not discriminate , don’t project anti persona messaging.

5. How to Include an Anti Persona : give diluted version of product offered to Persona or offer more customization or choice for a parallel product.

6. Grooming a user / product using nudges to a his chosen preferred state or a general preferred state.


Parental Inheritance, Social inheritance, Environmental inheritance.

A user from a specific identity or background/community under a social background in a certain environment becomes a granular persona, might need to generalize to achieve balance between satisfying every customer vs offering an optimum product to a larger customer base. Risk vs Reward.

FACTORS or CHARACTERISTICS that can be used to split personas.

Genetics , Visible Physical Characteristics, Physiological Characteristics, Blood, Weather / Regional Traits, Food profile, Parental Education profile, Education Profile, Opportunity Frequency, Environment , Financial profile, Happiness Index, Sadness Index, Economic Conditions, Emotional Conditioning, Learning abilities, Health Immunity profile, Financial Immunity profile, Physical ability, Behavioral tenacity, Family support, Social structure, No of women in the family, Exposure to open environment, Exposure to physical activity, Performance : academic , Attention traits, Curiosity Traits, Orchids vs Dandelion, Moral traits, Flexibility traits, Rationality Traits, Reaction to Failure, Life events, Type of peers in an the environment, Opportunity costs.

